Includes the following:

  • High resolution digital retinal image
  • Screening for glaucoma and cataracts

Our high resolution digital retinal camera helps the early detection of glaucoma, macular degeneration, retinal detachments and diabetic retinopathy.

Your retinal images will be stored electronically. This gives the optometrist a permanent record of the condition and state of your retina. The images detect and measure any changes to your retina each time you get your eyes examined, as many eye conditions, such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration are diagnosed by detecting changes over time.


  • Quick, safe non-invasive
  • Provides detailed images of your retina and sub-surface of your eyes
  • Provides direct imaging of the form and structure of your eye tissue
  • High resolution good quality image
  • No patient prep required

Simply give us a call or complete the form below.

Need help? Please don’t hesitate to contact us at:

Abbotsford 604-776-3937